ПІБ керівника: Оніщик Юрій Віталійович, доктор юридичних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри.
- cуспільні науки;
- теоретичні та практичні аспекти правового регулювання науково-технічного прогресу та інноваційних процесів в Україні;
- правове регулювання інноваційних процесів у сфері правозахисної діяльності.
1. Diorditsa, I., Telestakova, А., Koval, О., Nazarenko, О., Nastiuk, А. Information interventions as a new dimension of Ukraine’s cyber-vulnerability. Revista Gênero & Direito. 2020. V. 9. № 05. P. 1-21. (Web of Science).
2. Kovalenko І., Kislyi A., Stetsiuk B. Comparative analysis of foreign and national experience of Ukraine in administration of value added tax. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, Volume 4 Number 2. Riga: Publishing House «Baltija Publishing», 2018. p. 301-308. (Web of Science).
3. Koval O. Optimization of Innovation Projects According To Criteria of Time and Resource Constraints / Larisa Rodchenko, Olena Goncharenko, Olga Koval, Ihor Tarasov, Hanna Nemchenko, Tetiana Tkachuk. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277–3878, Volume-8 Issue-3, September 2019. Р.1431–1434. (Scopus).
4. Koval O. Information interventions as new dimension of Ukraine’s cyber-vulnerability / Diorditsa, Ihor, V; Telestakova A; Koval Olga M, Nazarenko Olha A; Nastiuk, Andrii A. Revista Genero and Direito, 2020. 1. P. 1-21. (Web of Science).
5. Kulak N. MBTI model application for the acmeological-invariant organization management as an instrument for “Break-through” innovations implementation / O. Shcherbak, L. Ganushchak–Efimenko, N. Kulak. Economic and Social Development 32nd International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development. 2018/ - Рр. 35-44. (Web of Science).
6. Salnikova, O., Lagodiienko, V., Ivanchenkova, L., Kopytko, V., Kulak, N., & Usachenko, O. (2019). Evaluation of the effectiveness of implementation blockchain technology in public administration. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9), 1710-1713. (Scopus).
7. Onishchyk Y., Maidannyk O., Zhuravel Y., Selezen P. International treaty as a source of financial law in Ukraine. Juridical Tribune - Tribuna Juridica. 2020. Volume 10. Issue 3. page 419-426. (Web of Science).
8. Semigina T, Maidannyk O., Onishchyk Y., Zhuravel Y. Local self-government reforms in Europe: legal aspects of considering the communities' social identity. Juridical Tribune - Tribuna Juridica. 2020. Volume 10. Issue 2. page 207-221. (Web of Science).
9. Diorditsa Ihor, Katerynchuk Kateryna, Telestakova Armenui, Kulak, Nataliia, Nastiuk Andrii (2021). Cyberterrorism as a threat to the cyber security of Ukraine: A discussion of theoretical aspects. Univ amazoniasede principal calle 17 diagonal 17 con carrera 3f-barrio porvenir, Florence, 00000, Colombia. Volume 40. Issue 10 page 73-83. (Web of Science).
10. Kateryna Katerynchuk, Ihor Diorditsa, Inna Kovalenko, Sergij Kyrenko, Nina Trotsiuk. Protection of Human Health: Medical and Legal Aspects. Vol. 39 Núm. 70 (2021): Cuestiones Políticas Р. 385-406. (Web of Science).
11. Makhinchuk Vitalii, Gusarov Konstantin, Kovalenko Inna, Kulaha Elina, Koroied Sergii (2021). Problems of legislative regulation of innovative activity in Ukraine. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues. Volume 24. Issue 1. (Scopus).
12. Legal and socio-psychological issues of bullying and cyberbullying / Kateryna Katerynchuk, Sergiy Kyrenko, Olha Nazarenko, Olga Koval. Journal of law and political sciences. 2021. Vol. 29, issue 4 Sept. P. 71–99. (Web of Science).
13. Ihor V. Diorditsa, Armenui A. Telestakova, Olga M. Koval, Olha A. Nazarenko, Andrii A. Nastiuk. Information Interventions as a New Dimension of Ukraine's Cyber-Vulnerability. Information interventions as a new dimension of Ukraine’s cyber-vulnerability. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S2), P. 152-166. (Scopus).
14. І. Kypych , V.Teremetskyi, O. Kalashnyk, Brusakova O., Dzhafarova M., O. Sushch, S. Kuznets, V. Topchii. Specific Features of Proving in Disputes on Recognizing Persons as Refugees: on the Basis of Case Law of Ukrainian Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues Print ISSN: 1544-0036; (2021) Р. 36-44. (Scopus).
15. Diorditsa I., Katerynchuk K., Kyrenko S., Vasylkivska I., Bespal O. The Issues of Interpretation of “Health”, “Pain” and “Suffering”. Concepts in Modern Multidisciplinary. Science Health Education and Health Promotion. Volume 10, Issue 2, Spring 2022. P. 1-12 (Scopus).
16. Kovalenko, I., Muzyka, Y., Khashev, V., Derevyanko, N., & Yakovchuk, S. (2022). Mechanism of protection of business entities from unfair competition. Amazonia Investiga, 11(53), 243-249. (Web of Science).
17. Черевична Наталія Іванівна, Музика Юля Дмитрівна, Коваленко Інна Анатоліївна, Свєтлова Лариса Григорівна. (2022). Правові основи щодо забезпечення розвитку сфери послуг в умовах пандемії. «Global Scientific Trends: Economics and Public Administration». Volume 2/2022, Р. 86-98. (Web of Science).
18. Petrychuk, M., Chekhovska, I., Rudaia, M., Koval, O., & Yatskovyna, V. (2022). Influence of state financial control on state authorities functioning: El impacto del control financiero estatal en el funcionamiento de las autoridades públicas. Political Questions, 40(74), 347-362 (Scopus).
19. Yuriy Onishchyk, Liudmyla L. Golovko, Vasyl I. Ostapiak, Oleksandra V. Belichenko, Yurii O. Ulianchenko. International Experience of Legal Regulation of Freedom of Speech in the Global Information Society. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique. 2023. URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11196-023-10007-0 (Scopus).